Don't Let Fear and Uncertainty Control Your Life.
Be Ready for Anything Life Throws at You,
Now and in the Future.

With pandemic fears, travel restrictions, and political uncertainty gripping the world, people all over are beginning to panic.
We are either incited to panic by fear-mongering, or lulled into inaction by false claims that there's nothing to worry about.
Neither is a good course of action.
The truth is that this current pandemic, and countless others, are a normal part of life.
In the last 30 years, this is just a small selection of what we've faced:
- 1996: Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease)
- 2003–2004: Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
- 2004–2007: Avian influenza (H5N1)
- 2009–2010: Pandemic H1N1/09 influenza
- 2010: Cholera outbreak (Haiti)
- 2014, 2018–2020: Ebola virus epidemic
- 2015–2016: Zika virus outbreak
- 2019–2020: Measles outbreaks (Philippines, Samoa, Malaysia, New Zealand)
- 2019–2020: Wuhan coronavirus outbreak
Natural Disasters:
- 1993: Storm of the Century
- 1994: Northridge earthquake
- 1999: Oklahoma tornado outbreak
- 2004: Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
- 2005: Hurricanes Rita and Katrina
- 2009: Black Saturday bushfires
- 2010: Haiti earthquake
- 2010: Eyjafjallajökull volcano
- 2011: Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
- 2012: Hurricane Sandy
- 2017: Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria
- 2018: Camp Fire wildfire
- 1992: Rodney King riots
- 1997: North Hollywood shootout
- 1999–2002: Argentine economic collapse
- 2001: September 11 terrorist attacks
- 2004: Beslan school siege
- 2008–2010: European economic crises
- 2010–2012: Arab Spring
- 2013–present: Venezuelan economic collapse
- 2013: Westgate shopping mall attack
- 2014: Bundy Standoff
- 2015: San Bernadino shooting
- 2016: Orlando nightclub shooting
- 2020: George Floyd riots
—for pandemics, natural disasters, and everyday life—
But you shouldn't be ruled by fear.
So where do you start?
If you're like most men today, you want to be ready for anything, but aren't exactly sure what you should be doing.
Living life on autopilot results in lifestyles that crumble at the slightest interruption.
Men's bodies have gotten soft and unhealthy with lack of use, fast food diets, and cheap sodas. The old skills of knowing how to fight, handle weapons, or save a life have virtually disappeared from the modern man's repertoire. Lifestyles of self-sufficiency have been replaced by barely getting by and panicking with every disruption.
None of this is your fault.
Men today are swamped with misinformation that often does more harm than good. Movies, magazine articles, and even government recommendations. It's almost impossible to sort through all the information out there, or have the ability to separate the real deal from the snake oil.
That's all about to change.
- Build a world class body that is healthy and resilient.
- Hone the skills necessary to save your life and those around you.
- Be prepared to thrive, not just survive, no matter what life throws at you.
- Live the life you want, on your terms.
This is what living like a Gentleman Spy is all about. No gimmicks, no tricks, no expensive gadgets. All easy to implement information to help you unlock your fullest potential.
Developed from real-world experience inside the military and intelligence communities, Gentleman Spy will show you how to build your body, upgrade your style, improve your attitude, and master the skills required to live the life you want.
It's going to be an awesome ride, and I'll be with you every step of the way.
I am a former US Navy Sailor, Defense Contractor with multiple intelligence agencies, EMT, and firefighter. I have lived in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, and traveled from Afghanistan to Austria, Italy to Iraq, the Bahamas to Russia, and countless places in between. I have worked and trained with the best in government and the private sector: special operations forces, private training organizations, and spies.
If it sounds like this has all been one helluva ride, you're right. I’d do it all over again, but it would have been a lot more fun with the knowledge I’ve gathered here, because here's what most people don't know...
It wasn’t easy to get where I am now. I was painfully shy, especially around women. I had no sense of style and was overweight.
Growing up, I was the kid who would rather line up rocks on the playground than interact with other kids. In high school, despite being a firefighter and EMT and in great shape, I was too shy to talk to anybody but my few close friends. I felt out of place in any social setting, and was so shy and timid around girls that despite obvious signals they were interested in me, I couldn’t make a move at all.
Even after joining the Navy and moving overseas, I struggled for years to become the man I knew I had to be. I remained a virgin until my mid-20's, and was uncomfortable around anybody but my closest friends and family.
I was living a life that many would kill for — a cool job in exotic locations — but I was miserable, trapped in a shell of my own making.
I had to make a change. But lasting change didn’t come overnight. It took me years of work, research, and trial and error to become a man I was proud of:
A man that was confident in his own skin, with both the social skills and the technical skills to flourish in any environment.

Fitness trainers to refine an exercise program and diet that allowed me to melt fat off my body and build muscle while feeling better than ever.
Style experts that taught me to trade the faded Wrangler jeans and ratty t-shirts for a versatile, properly fitting wardrobe that makes sure I always look my best.
Members of the military special operations communities that taught me to shoot, fight, and be prepared for any situation.
Real life spies who have taken social engineering and seduction to the highest levels and helped me to overcome my shyness and fear of talking to people.
Everything I learned was tested and refined into the set of tools and techniques that allowed me to sculpt the body, style, attitude, and skills I needed to live the life I wanted.
- I helped overweight friends get into the best shape of their lives.
- I helped folks getting out of the military learn to dress and present themselves better to succeed in civilian life.
- I’ve worked with men to overcome their shyness and engage confidently with anybody they meet.
- I’ve helped men learn to shoot, fight, speak new languages, and navigate foreign cultures with style and ease.
- I’ve helped a young man with disabilities gain self-confidence to talk to a girl and ask her out.
Through each of these transformations, one thing became apparent: fixing one area of their lives always translated into a desire to get better in all other aspects of their lives.
I learned, as did my friends and others that I’ve helped, that you don’t create massive, lasting change in your life by working on small, individual pieces at a time.
Inside, you’ll get dead-simple workouts that will make you strong, lean, and ready for action.
You will master the skills that allow you to move with ease through any environment.
You’ll find out why most of the diet advice you’ve heard your whole life is BS, and rather than starving yourself or eating diet food that tastes like cardboard, you can melt fat off your body and feel amazing while eating like a king.
You’re going to learn a simple 5-second routine to instantly increase your confidence in any environment.
You’ll learn the situational awareness tricks used by real life spies and special operators that give you an “early warning system” to protect you and your family.
You’ll learn how to approach anybody, anywhere, any time, with confidence and ease that almost guarantees success, whether you’re talking to the President or the most beautiful woman in the room.
I’ll show you why you don’t need to spend a fortune on new clothes — in fact, you shouldn’t — to build a stylish wardrobe that will always have you looking your best.
An Apple Watch or G-shock will never exude the class of an Omega or Rolex, but you don’t have to spend $5,000+ to get a functional and stylish timepiece that will pair as perfectly with a tuxedo as it will with a wetsuit or at the shooting range. I’ll show you the best options that won’t break the bank.
You’re going to learn why first aid training isn’t a luxury or a hassle, but a necessity. I'll show you where to get the best training for the smallest investment.
I’ll show you how to put together a first aid kit that will let you treat anything from your kids’ boo boo to a gunshot wound without wasting money on commercial kits that are usually junk.
You’ll learn what to look for in self defense training, why your local martial arts dojo may do you more harm than good, and what the Russians, Israelis, and Filipinos get right that most people get wrong.
We’ll cover what you need to look for in a pistol and rifle; what you need, and what to stay away from. This could save you hundreds or thousands of dollars in trial and error, or worse, dangerously wrong choices.
I’ll show you the fastest, most efficient ways to learn a new language, including which languages you should focus on first, and which [popular, expensive, yet useless] programs you should stay away from.
You’ll even learn the quick path to becoming a profitable poker player so you can take the dream vacation or cruise, and pay for the whole trip with a night or two living like 007 at the tables.
And you’re going to put everything together into living the lifestyle you want. From money management to international travel to making sure your home and vehicles are functional, stylish, and secure, when you join Gentleman Spy, you will upgrade every aspect of your life.

If you did this on your own, you'd have to sift through all the bad information and BS everywhere to make informed choices about how to effectively upgrade every aspect of your life.
Would you be able to? Would you even know where to start?
Sure, you can get a personal trainer, but they won’t help you dress better or work on your social skills.
A style coach may help you upgrade your wardrobe, but they’re probably not equipped to help you fit your suit around a gun, much less talk to you about what gun you should buy (hint: it’s not 007’s PPK).
You could attend a social skills seminar, but they won’t cover how to enhance your situational awareness to keep yourself alert and ready to respond to dangerous situations.
You can take martial arts classes, but you’re just as likely to get yourself into even more trouble if you don’t know what you’re looking for, and why.
You can sign up for a survival course, but an instructor wearing tactical pants and teaching you how to make a fire in the woods won’t help you think through why moving assets overseas or keeping a dopp kit and overnight bag packed is probably a better option.
You can go online and research everything about wet shaving, shooting, social engineering, playing poker, finding out what watch to wear with your suit, how to set up your home to be inviting to guests and women, or how to secure your home and vehicle against aggressors. But those are hundreds or thousands of hours potentially wasted as you learn the in’s and out’s, separate the good information from the bad, or waste precious time or money chasing less than ideal solutions.
If you’re the type that likes to waste time and resources, then knock yourself out.
But I don’t. And I doubt you do either.
If you could save years of headaches and thousands of dollars, wouldn’t you want to?
There simply doesn’t exist a better resource to give you the both soft skills and hard technical abilities that you need to live the life you want.
Strong. Fast. Look Good Naked.

Living like a gentleman spy starts with building your body. Neither an overly muscled body builder or a scrawny marathoner, you need a physique built for performance over a broad range of tasks. From a desk job to scuba diving, swimming to skiing, parkour to hand to hand combat, your body must be up for the task. Your style, attitude, and many skills will all be enhanced by having a body built for action.
- Lesson 1 — BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT: Build your body at home with no equipment or expensive gym membership.
- Lesson 2 — ADVANCED BODYWEIGHT WORKOUT: No matter how strong and fit you become, these advanced bodyweight exercises will keep you in shape at home or on the road, with or without equipment.
- Lesson 3 — BARBELL WORKOUT: Ditch the magazine workouts and the latest fads. Develop real strength and forge the physique you want.
- Lesson 4 — RUNNING: Endless miles on the treadmill will just keep you at a standstill. Focus on the exercises and drills that will help build the speed and skill you need.
- Lesson 5 — SWIMMING: You need to be comfortable and confident in the water. Whether you don't know how to swim or you think you're a great swimmer, the exercises and drills here will make you better.
- Lesson 6 — DIET: Your body isn’t just made in the gym. Eat foods you love while following a dead-simple diet plan that will shed fat and fuel you for all your adventures.
Always Look Your Best.

Spies around the world come from a military background, and their style reflects that; they wear their clothes like a uniform. To live a life of adventure, your wardrobe must be functional and fashionable. From hitting the beach to a night on the town to a black tie event, you should be dressed for the occasion.
- Lesson 1 — STYLE BASICS: What you buy won't matter if it doesn't embrace a classic sense of style and fit perfectly. Get the basics right before spending your hard earned money on new suits, clothes, or tailoring.
- Lesson 2 — THE UNIFORM: Presidents, CEO's, billionaires, style icons, and real life spies all wear a "uniform" to help them look and perform their best every day. This will show you how to create your own.
- Lesson 3 — THE SUITS: The gentleman spy is the suited warrior; a hard man in a good fitting jacket. Know what to look for in a suit, including the small details that make all the difference.
- Lesson 4 — CASUAL CLOTHING: Don’t fall for the latest fads or keep wearing clothes that are worn out or don’t fit. Choose a versatile wardrobe that will keep you always dressed for the occasion.
- Lesson 5 — ACCESSORIES: From the shoes you wear to your wristwatch, wallet, sunglasses, and even pens, master the upgrades that show you're a man of style and action.
- Lesson 6 — GROOMING: In the days of shaggy hair and hipster beards, it's easy to set yourself apart from the crowd. Upgrade your shaving and grooming routine to always look great.
Master Every Social Situation.

The gentleman spy is confident. Neither arrogant or showy, real confidence is built upon your skill of always knowing what is going on around you and being prepared for any situation. Whether it’s scoping out the location of the security cameras, sizing up an opponent, or seducing the most beautiful woman in the room, your situational awareness and social engineering skills contribute to the self-assuredness you'll get.
- Lesson 1 — ATTITUDE BASICS: Immediately change your attitude by mastering the basics of body language, embrace your confidence, composure, and self-control.
- Lesson 2 — SITUATIONAL AWARENESS: Most people go through life “tuned out,” never seeing what’s really going around them and setting themselves up to become a victim. Turn your senses on. Become aware to what’s going on around you at all times. Be ready to handle any situation may arise.
- Lesson 3 — SOCIAL ENGINEERING: The bread and butter of spies around the world. Approach, evaluate, and converse with anybody and reap the benefits as new people and new opportunities open up to you.
- Lesson 4 — SEDUCTION: Overcome your shyness and fears around women. It’s a gentleman’s job to seduce a woman, and you'll learn how to accomplish this with a definite sense of security, and successful results.
Always Be An Asset.

What sets the spy apart from other men is his ability to take care of himself in any situation. You may never need to fight multiple assailants or disable a bomb to save the world, but enhancing your existing skill set by learning to fight, shoot, save a life, and speak more languages could be the difference between life and death in many scenarios. The ultimate Jack of all trades, you may not be the best in the world at any one discipline, but you can be better than most in many different arenas.
- Lesson 1 — CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT: Being a man means being able to handle yourself in a fight. Know what to look for in a fighting system, what to avoid, and get started training the right way.
- Lesson 2 — GUNS AND SHOOTING: Living like a gentleman spy means being good with a gun, but don’t run out and buy James Bond's Walther. Know what to look for in a fighting handgun, and training to go with it.
- Lesson 3 — MEDICAL TRAINING: A life of adventure will eventually land you in dangerous situations. Get a proper first aid kit, get trained, and have the tools necessary to save your life or somebody else's.
- Lesson 4 — DRIVING: You will spend hundreds or thousands of hours per year, every year, for the rest of your life, in an automobile. Upgrade your skills to make you, your family, and everybody else on the road safer.
- Lesson 5 — LANGUAGE LEARNING: Travel to new countries, meet exotic people, and connect with them in the way that only somebody who speaks the language can. Don't waste time or money on programs that don't work; inside Gentleman Spy you'll get a foolproof training progression that will have you speaking new languages with confidence and ease.
- Lesson 6 — PARKOUR AND CLIMBING: Run. Jump. Roll. Climb. Learn to navigate your environment with style, ease, and speed.
- Lesson 7 — POKER: 007 might be a gambler, but he doesn't play blind. Inside you'll get everything you need to learn and master Texas Hold'Em.
Live The Life You Want.

Everybody thinks that living like 007 is all about the hot cars, hotter women, and living the life of adventure. And it can be. But there's more to it. Living the gentleman spy lifestyle means living the best life you can.
- Lesson 1 — LIFESTYLE BASICS: It's not the hot cars or exotic locations, it's the experience that makes the man. Get the most out of your life by surrounding yourself with quality and fun.
- Lesson 2 — CULTURE, FOOD, AND DRINK: You don't have to travel to London, Paris, and Rome to experience the best that life has to offer. Embrace new cultural experiences, new cuisines, and new drinks without breaking the bank or spending thousands on international airfare.
- Lesson 3 — MONEY: Living like 007 means being able to enjoy any experience offered. From cash to credit to gold and silver, how you handle your money says a lot about you.
- Lesson 4 — INFORMATION: News. World events. Politics. Intelligence, not sensationalism. The gentleman spy keeps abreast of the information that matters, not just entertainment or distractions.
- Lesson 5 — HOME: You don't need a luxury apartment in London, Paris, or Rome to live the good life. Simple tweaks to your living arrangements make a big difference.
- Lesson 6 — VEHICLE: No need for Aston Martins or ejector seats to have a 007-worthy ride. Simple tweaks help keep your vehicle clean, well maintained, and stocked up for a life of adventure.
- Lesson 7 — TRAVEL: Passport: check. Visas, documents, and emergency contacts: check. Dopp kit and luggage packed and ready to go: check. Living like a gentleman spy means traveling with confidence, style, and ease.
Be Prepared for Any Situation.

Every military, intelligence agency, and Fortune 500 company in the world has contingency plans and equipment.
Learn what you need to Know, Do, and Have in order to:
- GET HOME — From the items you carry on you every day to keeping a go-bag in your vehicle or office, make sure that you're prepared to get home, no matter what.
- STAY HOME — Pandemics, earthquakes, hurricanes, power outages, civil unrest... Sometimes it's best to just stay home. Make sure you have the supplies and tools necessary to live without power, water, civil services, or quarantined for days or weeks on end.
- LEAVE HOME — From short term environmental disasters to long term events like economic collapse, coups, societal unrest, or martial law, sometimes the best option is to get out of town. This guide will make sure you're ready for anything from a weekend away to picking up moving halfway around the world in search of greener pastures.
Neither crazy “doomsday prepper” hiding-in-the-woods stuff so common in the survivalist community or the “hopes and prayers” living with your head in the sand that makes up the rest of society.
This is the real-deal information and step-by-step plans you can implement now that may mean the difference between life and death.
Try Gentleman Spy Risk-Free:
30-Day, No Questions Asked, Money Back Guarantee
I'm certain that the Gentleman Spy program will give you everything you need to create the life you want. If for any reason it doesn't, I insist you have your money back. Just email me within 30 days of joining, and I'll send your refund. No questions asked.

Gentleman Spy is THE step-by-step program for real men to upgrade their lives:
Get Healthier, Look Better, Have More Fun, Adventure, and Passion in your life.
Whether you're a young man trying to better yourself, or you're an older guy who's looking to make a change, Gentleman Spy will give you the tools to improve every aspect of your life.
For the younger guys, the program will give you proven tools to live your life to the fullest, right from the start. It doesn't matter if you're in high school, college, or already in the workforce, you'll have everything you need to be the best version of yourself you can be.
For the older guys, the program will push you to re-invigorate your life. You'll build, or rebuild, the body you should have. Get out of any ruts you're in with a better sense of style, and an attitude that will enhance all of your business and personal relationships. All those cool things you've put off learning your whole life, or let stagnate? Gentleman Spy will push you to be the man of adventure you know you can be.
But make no mistake — all the information in the world won't change your life if you don't put it to use. You don't get better sitting on the couch or at your desk surfing the web, so you better be willing to break out of your comfort zone if you want to become the man you want to be.
Most of us are wired to not rock the boat. To stay in whatever situation we find ourselves in, however uncomfortable it might be.
We make excuse after excuse about why we are where we are.
“I don’t have the time.”
“I don’t have the money.”
“I’m happy with where I am.”
“My friends won’t like me if I change who I am.”
You WANT to have more in your life. More adventure. More fun. More passion. You WANT to be THAT guy.
I know you may have your doubts, excuses, reasons why you “can’t do that.”
Maybe you really can’t.
But it’s all up to you.
As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right."
Gentleman Spy is for men who know they can do better in their lives.
It is THE complete, easy to follow, step by step program to build you into the man you want to be. All you have to do is follow the system.
But you may have questions or reasons why this might not work for you:
“I’m married with kids, I don’t need to know how to seduce women.”
Maybe you don’t need to know how to seduce women, but you can still seduce your wife, get in great shape, dress better, be more confident, and protect your family. You can do all of that, and more.
“I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford expensive new clothes.”
Maybe not, but you don’t need them either. Inside you’ll learn what to look for when you do shop for new clothes, and you’ll learn what you need to look for in a tailor so you can make the clothes you already have even better.
"I have a job and a busy life to work around. I won't be able to do what's required to upgrade my life."
If you do what you've always done, you'll get the same results you've always had. If you want to live a better life, you'll have to make it a priority. But it doesn't have to take over your life either. You can always spare a half hour for a workout. You can listen to language learning resources during your commute. You can hold a poker night with your friends or take an MMA class instead of going to the bar or wasting time in front of the television.
You always have the time, and money, to live a better life — you just have to prioritize what you want.
“You mentioned diet, guns, and swimming. I’m a vegan pacifist who doesn’t like the water. Is Gentleman Spy right for me?”
Now you’re just looking for reasons to say no. You either don’t want to become a better man, or you’re really in the wrong place and living like a gentleman spy is not what you want.
For everybody else: you don’t need to integrate every single aspect of the program to reap incredible results:
You live in an area where you can’t carry a gun every day? No problem, you can still learn to fight and upgrade the rest of your life.
You’re not interested in the most efficient ways to learn a new language? No problem, you can still improve your confidence, your physique, and your style.
You’re in great shape and you’ve completed advanced medical training? No problem, you can still dress better, become a better conversationalist, and become more cultured.

Think about living every hour of every day of the rest of your life with the confidence of knowing you’re ready for anything life can throw at you. Whether it’s living the life of adventure or getting the woman of your dreams, Gentleman Spy will transform who you are now, into who you want to be.
I know exactly how important it is to live a life you can be proud of, which is why I want to make this as easy as possible for you:
Try Gentleman Spy today. If you’re blown away by what you learn about transforming yourself into the man you want to be and living the life you want, you can continue the journey with me for only $97/month.
If you decide for any reason that the program isn’t for you, just e-mail me anytime within the first 30 days. I’ll refund your money and you’ll never be charged again.
With a full 30 day money back guarantee, there is nothing to lose, and everything to gain.
So click the big orange button below to get started living the life you want, today.
To sweeten the deal, when you sign up today,
I'm going to give you these incredibly valuable bonuses...
Living like a Gentleman Spy isn’t about consuming information.
It’s about taking action.
But I know that it’s sometimes hard to know where to start.
That’s why I’ve put together 12 weeks of complete, step-by-step training plans.
- No more overwhelm or reading information only to still feel stuck, not knowing where to start.
- Weekly reading assignments — exactly what you need to know, when you need to know it.
- Real life/real time training missions to get you outside and living the Gentleman Spy lifestyle, not just reading about it at home.
Every Monday morning for the next 12 weeks, I’ll e-mail you a weekly mission plan with all the information, steps, and resources necessary to reinvent yourself and forge the life you want.
Next, we all know that living the life of adventure isn’t about being stuck behind a computer, but outside, living the life you want.
So I’m including downloadable, printable cheat sheets, checklists, and more.
- Workout plans
- Training logs
- Equipment and shopping lists
- Cheat Sheets
- Checklists
No vague information leaving you wondering what to do next or keeping you stuck behind the computer. Everything you need to simplify the process, keep you on track, and make simple work of complex tasks.
Everything above — the Gentleman Spy training program to upgrade your life, plus the weekly e-mails to keep you motivated and on track, and the cheat sheets and checklists to make it all dead simple and easy to follow — will have you living the life of your dreams in no time.

When you sign up below, you get immediate access to all the material that took me decades and tens of thousands of dollars to acquire, dissect, master, and refine into the foolproof, step-by-step system that will make you into the man you want to be:
Phase 1 — Building the Gentleman Spy Body (6 training modules)
Phase 2 — Developing your Gentleman Spy Style (6 training modules)
Phase 3 — Cultivating the Gentleman Spy Attitude (4 training modules)
Phase 4 — Mastering the Gentleman Spy Skillset (7 training modules)
Phase 5 — Living the Gentleman Spy Lifestyle (7 training modules)
Contingency plans and equipment to get home, weather any storm, and get out alive
Secure yourself, your family, property, and ensure your freedom in any scenario
Weekly assignments and missions
Keep you on track, free from overwhelm, and TAKING ACTION
Cheat sheets and checklists for every phase of the program
No need to be tied to a computer to keep moving forward with the program
The Tragedy of Mediocrity
If you don’t take action today, where will you be in 12 weeks? In 12 months?
Living exactly the same life you have now? Knowing that there is more out there for you, but unable to reach it? Knowing that life is good, but not quite good enough. You’ll be in the same place you are now. Only older.
That will never change unless you take action.
This program, developed from real-world experience within the military in intelligence communities, is everything you need to turn your life around.
Take the steps now to build your body, upgrade your style, improve your attitude, and master the skills required to live like 007.
There’s no risk with our 100% money back guarantee.
I have really enjoyed your course. I've noticed I'm more clear and aware. The other day at the bank, the guy at the next window stepped back, turned towards me and said "nice" while his girl said "he looks like Bond." At the end of August I went to the Mainland to go to a wedding. I went in style and enjoyed a calmness and being cool. I enjoyed the airport. I was addressed as Sir and was waived through security.
Our twelve weeks may be up, but I will never be done studying your course. Thanks.Max B.
Good morning Travis,
I've had your program for some time and it has been absolutely fantastic. You did a great job with everything and I've read through it multiple times. Thank you for taking the time to create such an invaluable resource.
I’m active in the [intelligence] field and I also use your stuff! It’s that good.
Wish I had it ten years ago but I'm glad I found it when I did.
All the best,Jeff C.
I am so blessed that you ad appeared in my IG and happy that I took that leap.
I didn't know if it was gonna be legit. But it's legit and some. It's perfect.
Man, your site is the answer to my prayers and dreams. Thank you.Malik W.
Hi Travis,
I purchased your fabulous program. I pride the amazing job you've done. I have a career in intelligence for over 20 years now and in my opinion, it would have been great to combine the "Gentleman Spy" program in to the syllabus of covert field officer of intelligence agencies.
What you've done with Gentleman Spy is bring together the main tasks that need to be done, while getting rid of all the BS. You brilliantly concentrated everything, whereas for me it took ages to put it all together in a simple and clean, yet deep way. I wish I knew this method 20 years ago when I was in my 20's.Mike H.
Hey Travis,
Just wanted to say that your stuff is rock solid. I've found some real gems in Gentleman Spy but overall the strength, as I see it, is that your material is solid right through. Thank you for that, it has made my life measurable better.Oscar
Hi Travis,
Congratulations on putting this together. Several years ago I realized there was no one resource on the internet covering [all] these topics... When I found your site, I was very happy that someone finally did it right!
I'm extremely impressed with the depth of knowledge you show on all these different topics...
Once again, great job putting this all together! I hope it's a big success and helps a lot of people.Sean M.