Gentleman Spy Diet

Eat Like a King and Still Get Ripped. The Gentleman Spy Diet.

In the books and movies, James Bond’s diet is rich and flavorful, and he's not shy about trying the local cuisine wherever he goes. Spies around the world have followed suit, knowing how to eat like kings while staying in fighting shape. You should do the same.

The Spy Gets the Girl.

The gentleman gets the girl. But for many men, trouble getting women is one of their pitfalls. But you can change that. Seduction is a skill you can learn, and living the Gentleman Spy lifestyle will forge you into the kind of man women want to date. Here's how to get started...

“Cardio,” Speed, and Skill

“Cardio” is a constantly overused term in the fitness industry. Millions of people every year hit the treadmills, elliptical machines, or stationary bikes trying to lose weight or get in shape. They put in mile after mile, running in place, going nowhere. DON'T BE THAT GUY. Here's how to build the speed and skill to look, feel, and perform your best.

Learn to fight like James Bond and Jason Bourne.

Fighting has changed. Gone are the days of standing outside trading blows, replaced with aggressors who are bigger, stronger, and better trained than ever before. With the natural selection of predators, it is likely that today's robber, mugger, active shooter, etc. will be big, strong, and capable. Are you? Read on for what you need to know to prevail today.
Gentleman Spy Social Engineering

Spy Tradecraft for Everyday Life: Social Engineering

Social Engineering: the manipulation of human behavior to achieve a specific result. This is the bread and butter of spies around the world: the ability to develop an asset and convince somebody to do anything you need. You don't need to convince somebody to betray their country, but the skill of being able to approach, evaluate, and converse with anybody will result in massive rewards as new groups, new opportunities, new friends, and new women open up to you.
Gentleman Spy Style

Everyday Upgrades: Refine Your Casual Style

Whether you want to be more stylish like James Bond or subdued like Jason Bourne, you should have a "uniform" consisting of a versatile wardrobe so you're ready for any occasion and always looking your best. Here's how to get started...

Bigger. Stronger. Better. The Gentleman Spy Barbell Workout.

"Strong people are harder to kill, and generally more useful." ~Coach Mark Rippetoe Building strength and size isn't complex and doesn't require high-tech equipment. But you do need a good program and the commitment to see it through. This guide will get you started.
Gentleman Spy Medical Training

Real World Hero: Learn to Save a Life

Living the life of adventure will eventually land you in dangerous situations, and living like a Gentleman Spy means being able to save the day. Read on to get the training and the tools to save your life, or somebody else's in an emergency.
Gentleman Spy Situational Awareness

How to Cultivate Jason Bourne’s Situational Awareness

"I can tell you the license plate numbers of all six cars outside. I can tell you that our waitress is left-handed and the guy sitting up at the counter weighs two hundred fifteen pounds and knows how to handle himself..." ~Jason Bourne Situational Awareness means recognizing that there are "threats" we face everyday and the best way to be prepared for them is to know where you are and what is happening around you at all times. Read on to find out how.