With the COVID-19 quarantines, social distancing, and stay-at-home lockdowns increasing, lots of folks are already starting to feel like their lives are grinding to a halt. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are some Gentleman Spy approved ways to beat the blues, stay healthy, and come out ahead when this pandemic subsides.


Whether you already work from home, just started working from home, or have been furloughed or laid off indefinitely, keeping a productive schedule is one of the best things you can do to keep from falling into a dark place.

  • Wake up and get moving. Just because your commute has changed doesn’t mean your routine should. Wake up at your normal time and do your normal morning routine (although now is a good time to optimize that routine).
  • Get dressed. Yes, that means put your pants on. You don’t have to wear a suit and tie to hang around the house, but don’t spend all day unshowered in your pajamas.
  • Do productive work! Maybe that means doing your normal job from home, but being furloughed isn’t license to screw off all day. If you have an idea to start a business or get a side income going, now is the perfect time to pursue that. Even if you’re happy in your job and career, now is a good time to commit to additional self-improvement. Study for a certification, learn a new language, master a new skill. Whatever you do, find some way to use this time productively.
  • Take breaks! Lots of folks who work from home fall into the trap of just working straight throughout the day. But doing so means you’re probably not working at your peak for much of that time. Take a break at least every hour or two. Break for lunch. Get a workout in. Just don’t sit in front of the computer (or TV) all day.
  • Clock out of work and relax! Many entrepreneurs and workaholics think they need to be tied to their work 24/7, with many of us (I’m guilty of this as well) working well into the evening instead of relaxing with family or friends.


Whether you’re in the city, the suburbs, or the middle of nowhere, you shouldn’t just stay holed up inside your house or apartment. I understand that some cities are controlling movements more than others, but if you can get outside to work out, go for a run, hang out in the park or at the beach, whatever, just do it.

  • If you can work out outside, do it. This is the perfect time or opportunity to focus on bodyweight workouts you can do anywhere. Go to the park, beach, or just your back yard and do your pushups, squats, calisthenics, etc. Hell, even if you just put on your shorts, lay out, and work on your tan, it’s better than staying cooped up inside.
  • Go for a walk, run, or ruck. At a time like this, most of us are probably more sedentary than usual which is bad on almost every level. Getting outside, breathing fresh air, enjoying the sun if possible, and staying active will keep your immune system in top shape.
  • Plant a garden. This is a great way to spend time outside, improve your health, and increase your preparedness and life skills. With spring in the air in most of the US, now is the perfect time to start.


Even when you’re staying active, it’s easy to fall into the trap of just hanging out binge-watching your favorite series on Amazon Prime and Netflix. Don’t [only] do that.

  • Use apps like Babel, Duolingo, Memrise, Pimsleur, etc. to learn a new language.
  • Take virtual museum tours.
  • Tour national parks virtually.
  • Watch documentaries instead of junk.
  • Study for a new certification to improve your career.
  • Play games with friends and family:


You probably can’t go out to eat at your favorite restaurant, but that doesn’t mean you can’t eat well.

  • Learn to cook. If you’re not already an excellent cook, now is a great time to learn. Don’t fall into the trap of living off junk food and canned crap for the next month. There are tons of recipes online and most supermarkets have enough food for you to make almost anything you want.
  • Support your local businesses. Many restaurants are open for take-out or delivery. Some states have even legalized alcohol take-out and delivery. If you’re in Texas, support my favorite restaurant. Give Chuy’s a call, order the Elvis special, a Texas martini, and tip well.


Almost everybody is financially affected by this crisis in some way. In some areas, up to 80% or businesses have closed, furloughed employees, or instituted work from home policies. Because of this, most states and the federal government have implemented changes to their unemployment benefits or will soon.

You know what’s better than collecting unemployment benefits? Working! Whatever you do, or want to do, there is probably a way to use this time to your advantage.

  • Write the book you’ve been putting off.
  • Find a new way to use skills you already have to help others.
  • Use this opportunity to expand your business into new areas. If your store is closed, can you expand your online sales? If you run in-person classes, can you teach remotely?
  • Grocery stores are hiring like crazy right now some have even given their entire workforce raises.
  • If you have the skills or ability to work in healthcare, now is a good time to get to it.

Wherever you are, whatever situation you find yourself in, you will make it through this. Whether you come out barely alive going crazy, or better than ever going full steam ahead is up to you.

If you have questions, comments, or more ideas to help folks weather this storm, shoot me a line anytime.  


All of this is easier when you’re prepared to thrive, not merely survive. Which is why I’m still running the Gentleman Spy Preparedness Sale.

Being ready for everything life throws at you is an integral part of living the Gentleman Spy lifestyle and living the best life you can, which is why the Ready For Anything bonus has always been included in the full Gentleman Spy program.

From having your finances in order and an emergency fund set aside to having the right supplies on hand to weather any disaster, the Ready For Anything training modules cover everything you need to know to:

  • GET HOME — From the items you carry on you every day to keeping a go-bag in your vehicle or office, make sure that you’re prepared to get home, no matter what.
  • STAY HOME — Pandemics, earthquakes, hurricanes, power outages, civil unrest… Sometimes it’s best to just stay home. Make sure you have the supplies and tools necessary to live without power, water, civil services, or quarantined for days or weeks on end.
  • LEAVE HOME — From short term environmental disasters to long term events like economic collapse, coups, societal unrest, or martial law, sometimes the best option is to get out of town. This guide will make sure you’re ready for anything from a weekend away to picking up moving halfway around the world in search of greener pastures.

But being prepared only matters when you’re also ready to live life to its fullest, so this sale covers the entire Gentleman Spy program including:

  • Building the Gentleman Spy Body (6 training modules)
  • Developing your Gentleman Spy Style (6 training modules)
  • Cultivating the Gentleman Spy Attitude (4 training modules)
  • Mastering the Gentleman Spy Skillset (7 training modules)
  • Living the Gentleman Spy Lifestyle (7 training modules)

Whether you’re stressed out about all this pandemic craziness, excited about the possibilities this brings, or just hanging back and playing it safe, now is the perfect time to refocus your efforts on upgrading your life and forging the lifestyle you want.

So click the link to sign up for the full Gentleman Spy program, including the Ready for Anything bonus, for as little as $1 and up to 33% off the normal price.